$PAW Tokenomics
Total Supply: 100,000,000
Distributed between the following:
Category | Distribution (%) | Description | Emission Schedule |
Public Sale | TBA | Tokens to be sold openly after TGE. Resources will fund Paw Treasury. | TBA |
Pre Sale | TBA | Early token sale event offered to early private investors for seed funding. | TBA |
Treasury | TBA | Amount held by the treasury for future use. Won’t be used for staking or vote, will be inert until future DAO use. | TBA |
Airdrop | TBA | Token compensation to early community that helped with BeraPaw growth. | TBA |
Market Making | TBA | Enhance liquidity and stabilize trading conditions on exchanges, ensuring a smooth market experience for all participants. Market tokens are inert and hold no power within the protocol. | TBA |
Incentives | TBA | Budget used to incentivize validators to emit BGT to our gauges and bootstrap $LBGT minting. | TBA |
PawLabs | TBA | Tokens held by the controller entity used to grow BeraPaw and reward core contributors. | TBA |