$LBGT$LBGT Staking

$LBGT Staking

To earn incentive rewards, $LBGT must be staked in BeraPaw’s contract. Stakers receive stLBGT as a receipt token, which automatically compounds the incentives generated from PoL activities. By staking their $LBGT, users seamlessly participate in the PoL ecosystem while enjoying automated profit reinvestment.

Why stLBGT?

Staking $LBGT offers users a simplified and optimized experience by automating all aspects of incentive management. This includes handling validator delegations, multiple incentive tokens, and reinvesting earnings—all without requiring manual intervention.

Boosted Yields

Staked $LBGT benefits from all incentives generated by both staked and unstaked $LBGT. Since $LBGT can also be utilized for liquidity provision and other activities within the ecosystem, not all $LBGT will be staked at any given time. As a result, stakers can expect boosted yields compared to traditional BGT operations by leveraging the broader utility of $LBGT within the DeFi landscape.

Index Token Design

To ensure compatibility with DeFi protocols, stLBGT functions as an index token. Over time, the $LBGT value of each stLBGT increases as rewards are compounded. Users can stake or unstake their tokens at any time without incurring fees, providing flexibility and ease of use.